hvac & indoor air quality

I have known Trane as a leader in the HVAC and indoor air quality space for as long as I have been in this business, so this was a very obvious choice for my home. Trane is definitely on the more premium side when it comes to equipment, but I can promise you that over time this equipment is way less expensive to own, operate and maintain.

The other thing that homeowners need to start thinking more about is their INDOOR AIR QUALITY. I say this because product technology and advancements in the construction and home renovation space has gotten so good that our home envelopes are getting much tighter. This simply means there is less air escaping or infiltrating your home, which is a good thing when you think about it from a heating/cooling loss / energy efficiency perspective. But we also need to be thinking about it from an air QUALITY perspective, and that is exactly why I choose to install the CleanEffects air cleaner.

The full mix of products I utilized at the Sone House are listed below.

product selection


S9v2-vs 2 stage gas furnace

XV20i TruComfort™ Variable Speed AC

CleanEffects Air Cleaner

ComfortLink™ II XL1050


PH Series High-Efficiency Heat Pump

MX PH Series Outdoor Unit

with sumo cloud connectivity to smart phone